Saturday, November 11, 2006

Fashion Statements

It’s funny – it’s gotten to the point where I have stopped wearing articles of clothing that are a bright colour – I used to periodically wear grey t-shirts but have stopped doing so (they’re all dark blue, now), partially due to the fact that I have gym every day, but also… My mom told me to find some clothes not in dark colours since we were celebrating my grandma’s 80th birthday and she (or probably in Chinese culture) didn’t really want dark colours at a birthday like this (80 being a significant ten-number), so I went and yanked stuff out of my closet…I found a pair of white pants, wherever they came from, and my first reaction was a grimace and the thought, “These are disgustingly bright.” Maybe I used “revoltingly”. Thank goodness, white is also considered a colour of death or something like that. In any case, I shouldn’t wear it.

Which led to the realization above. It’s very strange. I’m not at the point of black yet, but I prefer even dark blue or black over a neutral grey, which was what I would have preferred last year.

I also prefer hoodie over t-shirt – I haven’t worn a long-sleeved shirt in who knows how long. Hoodie or sweater. And then jeans. Unless it’s like the performing arts uniform. Once, during the end of summer, I went over to Janelle’s in shorts and she said, “You’re finally wearing shorts!” I was like, “Haven’t I ever worn shorts at school at all the past year?” and she said no. So…yeah. I haven’t a clue how to use makeup. (I don’t think nail polish counts – it’s very fun to play with/put on, but much harder to take off.)

Off topic - what’s so entirely cool about knowing a person is that when they write to you, I can totally hear them saying it with the tone of voice and look on their face that I’m sure they’d have.


Aurum said...

Bright colours aren't the greatest clothes, to bright, blinding. You have to be able to pull in off (like Janelle). Dark colours can be comfortable to some people. Ok if you started wearing all black, I'd be worried, but you haven't yet so no need to worry. Make-up's a pain. Well blush and lipsticks fine, but eyeshadow, maskcara and eyeliner suck. Well only when you have to wash it off. I alway's manage to get soap in my eyes when I do that. But then eyeliner in general sucks. I don't even put it on (mind I don't wear make-up often, but never eyeliner).

Ignis said...

What did you mean by that comment on my blog? I'm thoroughly confused.

Kaeli said...

Make up is so dumb. It's just a waste of time in the morning. Valuable time that could be spent sleeping. SO not worth it.

gabe said...
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gabe said...

ba humbug........

I was gonna write something but I deleted it.(why the heck did I do that??) I'm not gonna re wright it cause I don't feel like it.