Monday, November 27, 2006

Snow Dunes

Well, the muscles are complaining indeed. I wrenched my wrist somehow, and it hurts now. Well, twinges if I move it the wrong way.

The snow is quite powdery due to the cold temperatures, and with the way it's looking, I don't think it'll be good for packing anytime soon. However, with it being so powdery and all, the wind whips it into sparkling white dunes that are not good for stepping in but are very pretty for looking at.

I'm a bit displeased with having to miss band.

What?! We got new songs and they're cool!

That draft in my room is quite bothersome. It is SO cold in there...

If there's enough time, hopefully I can make snickerdoodles tomorrow...I don't get many chances to make cookies...

And I've a real serious (for me) cookie craving these past few days. Strange.

Apparently, my stupid low leadership mark was mostly based on our self-evaluations!! GRR!!

This infernal computer, why is it so slow and not responding?!?


Anonymous said...

Hah! PBKAC (problem between keyboard and chair) is the only problem you are suffering from. Poor computer has to put up with your impatience. School is out again for tuesday, but this time you do not miss band.

Kaeli said...

The snow dunes are very fun. I sat in one yesterday, and it makes the most comfortable chair. That is, until Diego realizes I'm at his level and he can kill me. Really need to get that dog trained....