Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Call it the last night of freedom, but my dad is installing something like NetNanny, and he says it costs him over sixty bucks, just cuz they need to track irresponsible me on the net. Obviously, they didn’t say that last bit, but…Luke, a firewall of those types, do they work only on Internet Explorer, or does it just completely block those things from coming through the internet to our computer?

Uh, yeah. I’m pretty pissed right now (excuse me if that might be considered slightly harsh, but in truth, coming from me, it’s not. Regretfully. Janelle had been surprised last year when I got really ticked off and used that term), and – just – yeah. Mr. Girard sure as he…ck…didn’t help. Screw it, but I looked at two business-type letters to my parents (banks or something) and BC is there plain as day without freaking periods there. Give me a break?!

I am missing the band gig on Saturday, and I am extremely ticked off about that. We’re going out to have a last meal with my grandma before she goes to Hong Kong, and it was either Saturday or Sunday. I was NOT going to miss Sunday. However, my brother was going to a birthday party on Saturday, and my mother was being all “Since you’re thinking about yourself I have to deal with this and come up with a way to compromise” and whatnot. I’m being slightly irrational right here, right now, but really – I have had to bail out on/refuse at least five offers to go hang out with friends, and I think the majority of those five were due to piano. I am sick of it. I’m pushing for a grade nine practical exam in January and I just don’ Seriously. I’m sick of it. I don’t get a choice! (If I was saying that last bit aloud, it would have been with a slightly hysterical lilt.) And just – screw theory.

Oh yes. Parents were mad when I used the computer to read Luke’s email. Thank goodness, I’d dealt with all of the rest of yours before I had to get off, but Luke’s was long, so…

I know I’m being irrational, so – just let me blow off some steam. It’s much better than just simmering.

Nothing being said in what songs I’m listening to right now relates, but Linkin Park in itself usually sounds pretty pissed off anyways, so –

That didn’t come out right, but –


Girls, if you ever catch me using an expletive, slap me. I’ll, uh, *grim chuckle* exclude Luke. Seriously, do that.

Because I cannot count on one hand all the places I could have inserted said expletives in this post.

Do you have a best friend? Like, a best-best friend. Where they know all your deep dark secrets and vice versa and all. Y…eah, semi-random.


Aurum said...

That stinks. Sorry for you.

Kaeli said...

Why were your parents mad that you read an e-mail from Luke?

Sorry you've had a crappy day. I'll be glad to slap you if you want me to:D Just returning the favour from last year. That dumb person that I can't stand.....

gabe said...

I wont slap you. I'll poke you.

Ignis said...

Can you do the same for me? I'm prone to thinking expletives and not saying them, but I'm sure it'll happen sooner or later.

I'm sorry your day sucked so bad. I'm sending you hugs.