Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Linds, typo. As Hailey pointed out. Hailey? Mistaken identity - Ignis, ignite, fire - Lindsay. Tsk tsk.

Oh, yes - and Lindsay was witness to this - Luke, I left you a message in the IT lab on the board, lower left hand corner. Something about having entered the lair.

Celtic crosses and swastikas.

And I get tired/sleepy, not cranky. I'm cranky when I'm PMSing, but that's about it.


Anonymous said...

Are you sure you aren't PMSing permanently in the mornings then?

Please don't hurt me!!!

gabe said...

Ok, anonymous is deffonately not me. HOw could you even suspect? I'm hurt.

Not to say that I don't find what A said was amusing, maybe I agree.

*grins wolfishly*
that seems sorta weird but that is how I felt the smile was. My head is weird.

gabe said...

oh yah, please don't hurt me.

Kaeli said...

So, that anonymous comment was left at 1:50 pm yesterday. What block was that? A. Who has what classes block A? We need to solve this mystery!!!

Aurum said...

I had socials, and so did gabe. We were both in class, and the class didn't go anywhere. (I think that was the test date)