Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Luke's Project

Lindsay says to Luke: "You are my most favourite person right now because you're calling her Stephie."




As we must all see Luke's brilliance (I do not yet have my picture in pink), I shall post his project. (Much alliteration going on here today.)

Shall I/have I mentioned that it creeps me out? I'm sure you've all figured out that pictures are shown larger if you click on them. Yup. *nods*

Um, direct quote from Luke: "You must post your fuzzy pink picture, we all need a laugh. A long laugh. At a pink Stephie. With fuzz."

Oh, this I am going to tell/have told Luke in person just to gauge his reaction, but I visited a dollar store on Friday - and bought another pack of lighters with absolutely no trouble at all. *beams* I'm just too innocent to do anything bad with fire. Ooh, flames...


gabe said...

I like, it creeps me out more and more the longer I look at it. I can see the symbolism(some of it) but tell me more please?

Kaeli said...

Hooray to pink Stephie with fuzz! That picture Luke did is disturbing. Mind explaining it? It's cool though. Just disturbing.

Aurum said...

Interesstingly strange pic. YOU BOUGHT TWO MORE LIGHTERS! Shame on you Stephanie Chui(did I spell your last name right?), you don't need lighters, matches work just fine.