Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Response To Ignis

Ignis said...
"And you wanted to inform us of that because . . . ? Besides, what if Luke reads this? I can see the blushing now . . . "

Why I wanted to inform y'all of this? No reason. I was being me. And frankly, I don't care if Luke reads it, though I see no reason for him to...he doesn't even always answer my emails...they stop at about two or three replies. Three at the most, I believe.

And the blushing is of who? Me? Luke? I grin more than blush, or stammer. Blushing is rather rare. And as for Luke blushing over something like that, I just cannot imagine it. Especially considering the topics of some of the conversations we'd had on the bus trips. No, no blushing there. :P

Note Of Warning :)

Not sure what it says about me when I find something like this blog-worthy, but in any case, just a note of warning to all if I go all mood-swing-y on people. It's that time o' the month, ya see... Ooh yeah. It sucks. Thankfully I've been spared the worser symtoms thus far and I don't think I've gone that emotional...yet. Has it been noticed that PMS isn't just premenstrual? It is my firm belief that the symptoms carry over INTO the menstrual period.

Anyways. *cough cough* Will be shutting up now.

Jack O'Lantern In A Tuuuuurnip

I am on the second book of the WoT series. Though I'm not sure why Luke chooses to be a Myrddraal, though. And they are not unlike the Ringwraiths, the Nazgûl? Somewhat. Both dislike water.

I keep finding little things that are similar to the Sword of Truth series. Women confessers, Aes Sedai. The men that can channel have to be gentled, and male Confessers cannot be allowed to live. The a'dam, and the collar to stop the flow of Han. And the quillion reminds me of the angreal.


Curious that it is the saidin that is tainted when the original sin was of a woman.

Maneater...ugh. I need to get him back somehow.

Maybe with a laser pointer.

How safe are mentioned "safe" fireworks? The emphasis he put on the word, slight as it was, worries me.

I am talking to him, but indirectly, as I am not addressing him...directly. (Yes, Steph, that's the meaning of indirectly, ya know.)

Happy Halloween...stay safe...or have fun at home, whatever all you people out there are doing...don't do anything stupid, etc.

Oh, whoa. PA announcement in quiet library means I jump.

Just to clear things up, I see I cannot get people to stop calling me Stephie...so spell it right! Stephie...now tolerable...Steffy...kill me now.

No, don't. I have unplanned plans of revenge I have to carry out. Mwahahahaaaa.

In band class yesterday we took to passing notes. It wasn't until he wrote, "...butchering some of the rythms..." that I looked up with dawning comprehension and mouthed, "You can't spell!"

I am so going to hang that over his head for as long as possible.


Luke, I still hate you. I have to sing that song now every time it comes on the radio. Ugh. Not that you'll read this unless I send it to you...which I probably should. Hm.

She's a maneater
Make you work more
Make you spend more
Make you want all of her love
She's a maneater
Make you buy cars
Make you cut cards
Wish you never ever met her at all

~ Maneater, Nelly Furtado

Do guys really find the way Nelly Furtado moves...for lack of a better word, sexy in the music video? I think it's just totally lame... But then again, I'm a girl.

*narrows eyes at Luke* No pervy thoughts.

...It IS by Nelly...right?

Sunday, October 29, 2006


I was extremely stupid the last night. So stupid. The bad part is that this isn't being said in a self-deprecating or angry manner - I mean this. Ugh. Crap. I know it isn't something I should have been doing but I don't want to not have it happen...

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

In Response

Pertaining to your comment, Hailey, I wasn't really having fun, per se. More a high where I become - indifferent - no, more unresponsive - to things and situations which would have normally have brought about some sort of angry moodiness in me. Nor was I concerned about my grammar and spelling not being a hundred percent perfect - I think that run-on sentences are ungainly and, if too long, may be grammatically incorrect, but even so, those I wrote in the previous post were not actually incorrect.

Oh, and you're most welcome.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Laser Pointers

It's rather sad when I spend my excess time in my room reading stories off the web on my computer and listening to music and gloating over my laser pointer, which I decide makes for one of my two pieces of contraband at school, i.e., said laser pointer and a lighter that is half-empty.

I just read this insanely weird thing and it was pretty darn long and that girl had some weird crazy way of talking and it was always from her POV (point of view in case y'all didn't know) and now it is affecting the way I write. I tried to do my Planning homework after said story and now I don't think I understand what I wrote, let alone having Mr. Girard understand what I wrote, but then again, he's not going to go through every single page of every single package, is he? I realize I'm writing in run-on sentences and that that is generally grammatically incorrect, but like I said, what I read influences what I write, and what I read most definitely influences what I'm writing. That and I'm tired.

Sawyer emailed me back and apologized for the delay in replying after yelling at me for taking so long to email me. Hm. Curious. Hee hee. He spelt "apologized" wrong. Oi. At least he spells better than Hailey, no offense Hailey.

If I didn't know any better, I might have figured I'd gotten high on something. Maybe coconut ice cream but I only had a spoonful of that. Actually, no, I was like this even prior to the ice cream when mum yelled and there was this whole thing about me leaving when I knew we were having dessert but that was because my eardrums are attuned to the screaming and yelling in songs but not in a cappella human voices. Did I spell a cappella right? Oh goodness, I am so out of it.

Mr. Girard is going to go on the computer and realize I don't have a file saved there, but boo hoo, because I wasn't working on my brochure then anyways.

I haven't practiced my piano and I am so tired and I've done nothing for planning and haven't studied my science and oh.dear.me. I am so not okay. *groans*

All seemingly complaining/angsting bits to please be ignored, thank you.

Again, was that supposed to be humour? Maybe. In any case, I shouldn't have had that ice cream. I'm not exercising enough for one.

That just sounded...ugh.

Temporary Blindness

Of course, due to this strange affliction, people will kindly not notice the contents of the previous two posts. I will not delete them, merely because this blog is of my life and I figure I should be semi-truthful, if not completely

I love salt and vinegar chips. Miss Vicky's are particularly vinegar-y, which is what I like, but I'm sure the excess salt content can't be too good for me.

I'm mad. *laugh* On the last science quiz we had, I completely got the covalent and ionic bonding mixed up. Forfeited a fishy-mark...! Wah...

Monday, October 23, 2006

Fables, Fairyland Tales

Familiarity breeds contempt. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

~ Aesop's Fables

I am disgusted.


For someone who spends a pretty good darn amount of time listening to loud music like Linkin Park and TFK, my ears are sure sensitive to the sound of yelling.

Heeeeeeey folks. This is me being bitter. Ta-da.

*sneers at computer screen*

And with a comment like that, I don't know whether I'm trying to be amusing or bitter.

Sunday, October 22, 2006


Burning cranes are really cool.

Sparklers are fun, and so are lighters.

Coloured origami paper turns fire green.

And we're all pyromaniacs.

Aluminum foil dipped in wax burns surprisingly well.

We went to Gabe's birthday party thenight before, and ha ha...we are all so weird...we laughed and talked as per norm, then we somehow broke into the origami and we spent a fair amount of time folding cranes and boxes and balls and rabbits and stars. That was after all the playing with the lighter. You know that if you flick it on and then adjust the switch thingy to let in the most amount of lighter fuel, the flame goes up SO high and you can hear a little roaring sound, as if you had a mini propane stove there or something? Hee hee hee.

We lit sparklers outside, and I'd tied ribbon to a crane and we set it on fire, but the fire melted the ribbon so the phoenix fell...then we burned wrapping paper and origami and had ourselves a little fire. Then we burned candles and tin foil, and Gabe's sister Katy...Katie...Katrina...Catrina? joined us outside.

The ceiling's name is Cecilia, the lamp is Freddy, Francine is the clock, the garbage can is Bob, and the carpet is IT, so we can step on him.

We watched Save the Last Dance. Dancing goooood. Me like dancing.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Band Geek

Band geek, and proud of it. I love band, I really do...I love the music...it's so cool when we can play a piece like what we did last year, "Rites of Tamburo". Not "Africa" - that one didn't turn out so well, but we have a song "Rumble on the High Plains" that is similar to "Africa" but so much better, and it sounds so incredibly nice...or the "Monster Jams" we are playing. And I love the atmosphere most of the time. And the people. I probably complain a good deal when things don't go well - e.g., Mr. Joiner spazzing or my being unable to play, but the truth is, I love band.

I want to take a computers class. I'll see if I can get into one, next year.

Kaeli, find that "Carol of the Bells" music, or I'll make you sit down and play it over and over again until I have it memorized!!

I'm getting a good deal of people telling me my hair is "so long!". Heh. It could be longer. Much.

I want to go to Value Village! I want to buy a ----. Any guesses? :)

I hope it's Mr. Nickel who teaches English 12 Advanced. It would be interesting to have him and see how he is like and unlike Mr. Joel Nickel. They sound the same, somewhat, though Mr. Graham Nickel's voice is pitched a bit lower. But even their way of talking is sort of similar. Cool.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


There has been an explanation demanded for the fishbowl. Pity you weren't in Mr. Opp's class, Kaeli mah dear, 'twould have made this all the easier.

He has a fishbowl, and a tree, both paper, of course, taped to his wall. If you got good marks, you'd get a leaf or fish with your name on it and a tick on the leaf/fish. Then, depending on how many ticks you have, you get candy from his candy stash. Simple.

I'm the Queen of Randomness, eh? Sweet. It's cool to have a title.

Call me a band geek, but I'm actually really eager to have my band practice tomorrow...combination of company and music. It's a pity people like Derek and Robert, and Maria, Carol, David, Luke, etc. are graduating. I'd miss them...

Have I mentioned all that before? I may have...


Celebrate good times, come on!...

Ah geez. That song has been stuck in my head for well over eight hours, now. Ever since band. But I like it - it sounds so insanely cool when we play it. So does "Rumble", then. "Rumble" sounds marvellous if it were not for the fact that the timpanis are so freaking hard to tune. For me.

Luke was - surprised - I suspect, to find that I read so fast. He lent me the first book in the series The Wheel of Time, The Eye of the World, yesterday, and I have finished half of the 800-so-paged book. I shall return it tomorrow...

...at our...hey, whoa, two-hour band practice! Sweet. Unless Mr. Joiner is in a bad mood. Then...

I wrote a bunch for a blog today, during Planning, but I accidentally deleted it all. Sucks. I suspect that Mr. Girard suspects I was doing something other than which I was supposed to be doing, but I am so sick of seeing the Career Cruising site that it's not even funny. Five-page worksheets, fine, ten-page worksheets, okay, but at least twenty?! Kill me now.

I am so on writer's block...or just completely uninspired. I've been reading much more, now, lately, of course, which is a good thing in itself, especially that it's books I'm reading. I haven't read books in a long time, only stories online. From FictionPress and such.

I have an ear infection, the earring-type kind. Not the actual infected inner ear, just the lobe, but it's plenty annoying and it's not clearing up. It's twinging on me...darn ear. :)

Random fact. My dad was born on a Friday the 13th. Now that would explain some things... Ha ha ha.

I am cold. My feet and arms are...okay. I'm cold more or less all over.

I used my glowstick bangle to mark my place in Luke's book while in Science. It wasn't until we were heading to the computer lab for Planning, the block after, that I realized I wasn't wearing it. No big loss. Eh. Must have left it in Science.

We got fishies for the fishbowl from Mr. Opp since we were doing SO much better than the grade nines (who had had previous claim to the fishbowl - we were stuck with the tree), and all the fishies were swimming towards the right. I said as much, and Cody said, "Mine's not," and put his pink pufferfish upside down. I gave him a look and said, "Your fish went belly-up?"


So he stuck its nose in the "pebbly gravel" at the bottom of the big laminated paper fishbowl and said it was a bottom-feeder.

Whatever suits him, I suppose. Lol.

Monday, October 16, 2006


I was thirsty and I wanted something sweet, so I got the juice of the fridge only to find that my brother had left the carton in there with barely a mouthful left inside.


So I went out into the garage to get the mango juice, which is actually rather sweet, which might be a bad thing because it's late, and I'm starting to feel tired, and sugar + tiredness MIGHT equal hyperness.

Well, I'm off to go get club soda to add to my mango juice. Yawn. My hands are cold and I'm afraid that if I listen to TFK any more, I might get a headache.

I have a Socials test tomorrow, a chapter test, and I haven't studied a bit. I most likely won't tonight, either.

...Of course, my stomach at the moment isn't the emptiest, and now I've got this almost-full can of club soda on the countertop.

You know that little Microsoft Office Outlook icon that sits on the bottom right of your screen? Assuming you have the same computer as I do. I think it's Windows XP... Well, you also know how it shows when you get another email? My eyes just keeping looking there and I can't stop doing it. Ugh. If I don't get that email tonight I'm going to be, like, a nervous wreck. What, do they usually respond to their correspondences at eleven and twelve at night?

*rolls eyes* I am so lame. Ha ha. :P

All this Linkin Park is going to give me a headache, but I like their songs, even if I'm not feeling mad.

I SO hate skipping school, even, say, like, five minutes of a lecture or something. It's not that I actually want to be in school hearing all this stuff, but if I miss it, it's a lot more complicated retrieving the information from others - hearing it firsthand is much easier, and to skip two days of a semester period - it's no fun. Now I have a crapload (well, sort of) of Planning to catch up on. Grr.

Ooh! They emailed!

I am so weird. Tasty little tidbits that came along with it. :)

How I love blogging.

I should, like, get off now...it's, what, 11:06 and I really should go...leadership tomorrow, and I need to be awake for that...

Chicken Wings And Dihydrogen Monoxide

My life seems just to have gotten slightly more interesting in the past week, and I suppose that's a good thing. Hey...where's my glowstick?! No, really. I just noticed - I'd been wearing a used green glowstick on my wrist for like, the past two days and I just noticed it wasn't on my wrist. Huh. Must be in my room.

Current favourite songs are "I Climb" by Thousand Foot Krutch, which I personally like a pretty good deal, as I like the lead singer's voice (therefore ensuring that I would like the lead singer of FM Static, as they are one and the same), and "Runaway" by Linkin Park. Which isn't bad. I mean, the fact that it's a Linkin Park song. The first time I had a fav Linkin Park song, it was "Numb", and emotions were a little raw at that point. What, a good several months ago? Heh.

Um. As Lindsay stated, FictionPress seems to be having a few problems.

Sarah Ellerton...she's updating a bit less though still periodically. A wonderful webcomic, in my opinion, that I check up on. I like it - tale of intrigue and elves and humas and a race called the da'kor...and then there's that cute thief...ha ha. Big marshmallow though he doesn't show it.

Okay, I'm weird, okay? Don't tell me that a lot of girls don't like fictional characters. I've done it a lot.

Like Seb, Thatcher, Jonah, Javier, there's actually a whole freaking ton.


Okay, tonne.

My desktop image is this cool radioactive sign in yellow and black that I got off of Wikipedia. Mah-vellous site that. Dah-ling.

I love chicken wings. Am eating them now. Though they're a tad salty.

Dihydrogen monoxide - do you know that for those who are dependent on it, withdrawal means death? DHMO.org has a whole ton of interesting information on this compound...glehhh. :P

I am anxiously awaiting an email...I am a sad, sad little girl. Ha ha...an email from a certain somebody whose name I will choose not to divulge.

There I go, me and my vocabulary again.

Sender of said email may read this and scoff, or read this and laugh.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Band Camp

It was good.

Routine answer given. But no...it was really good.

We basically did a good deal of practicing there. The timpanis are getting very frustrating. Plus my tuning abilities might need some work and a lot of practice due to lack of time...

We also got band buddies - beginner band kids - and tutored them and helped them with their instrument and playing. I was paired up with Alex. She's a very nice kid. :)

We played night games...were instructed by Maria not to scare the tar out of the little kids...but a good deal of us did anyways. I hid with the glowsticks in the tree and almost fell out once, leaning over to do Rock Paper Scissors. Luke is scary enough as is. Pee Wee dressed up in camo and had a plastic knife. Robert was in all black - Greg used his cape (which I am associating with Zorro as he dressed up as such once last year) and spoke with an accent...and most of us dressed up in black or dark clothes. Taylor and Jason used face paint along with a few others...it was pretty darn fun.

Did a lot of talking later in the night with Luke, surprisingly enough. Glowsticks are very fun to play with.

I think I'm too lazy to sum up the rest of the trip...we played, practiced, ate, hung about...but still, it was fun. Of course, I got to come home and catch up on homework...bleeeeccchhh.


Tuesday, October 10, 2006


And I'll ask for something creative.

~ Aurum, 09/10/06

~ Terra, 10/10/06

Monday, October 09, 2006

Feeling Pensive

Not really, but whatever. I've been doing a wee bit of reflecting and I realize that I cannot make it through this school year on anything less than six hours a night, seriously. Lately I've been feeling tired at twelve. Of course, if I don't listen to my internal alarm, and push it past twelve-one a.m., I just get past the point of tiredness and that's not good. I need sleep.

Yeah. Guess I'm not quite as resilient as I was in grade nine. Resilient. Hah.

Ungh...Dillusional updated. I'm glad.

I got flip-flops. Greenish-type ones from Old Navy that Auntie Mioni (I really don't know how she spells it...and technically she's not my aunt...she's the wife of the younger brother of my uncle married to my aunt who is the younger sister of my mom. But Auntie works.).

I bought a Thousand Foot Krutch CD for six bucks at Flea Market today. Me happy. Phenomenon.

Me also tired, so me going to go veg out in my room (Secretive, update!!!) and read Letter Tag and try not to fall asleep before my brother is done in the bathroom.

Oh yeah. We watched "RV". Cassie looks somewhat like Jen. Jenessa.

And yeah. Poetry.com sucks, no offense, but really, it's a scam. Go check it out on Wikipedia.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Heroes Are Made When You Make A Choice

Feeling pensive...

"Hero" by Superchick is an awesome song, it really is. Superchick is an awesome band.

I'm not "cute". How am I "cute"?

I don't like pineapple.

This is once again extremely short because I think I have to get off. No, I know I have to get off. Adios.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Ohana Means Family...

...And family means no one gets left behind...or forgotten.

~ Lilo & Stitch

Youth group today, and there were streamers hanging over the door because it had been Andrea's birthday on Tuesday. Then we all kept seeing people behind the streamers and it was freaking us all out, and we'd jump at sounds and wondered what if there was a head suddenly appearing at the windows...

All in all, we scared ourselves silly there.

Then we played *M*A*S*H* with (is there an asterisk before the M?) and weird little mind trick games/illusions, which was really cool. And really weird. Lol. Two people there know Erin, former Auguston classmate of mine, and one knows Clayton. Small world. *shakes head*

We are an insane little group. LOLOLOL.


No, really, what?


You people...

Shut up.

Good night.

No, seriously, shut up!



Oh, go away already. You're wasting precious seconds of your life. If you haven't seen Nickelback's "Savin' Me" music vid, go see it already. It's available online.

Now go away.



What part of it don't you understand?

Ah. I see. I quit talking, you go. Easy.

Okay - quitting.

Student Ambassadors

Fancy-schmancy name. But really cool, actually. Our Pro-D Day and there was the ACSI conference being held at our school, so several leadership kids had volunteered to be hosts and hostesses, for Planning service hours and leadership service hours.

Oh man, it was fun. Sam and Derek, and Lindsay and I, were assigned to the middle school, and for the first bit we had nothing to do but wait, and what a wait. Sam is a hilarious guy, and amazingly deep if he wants to be (unless it's like that "Poetry for Intellectuals" thing, reading too much into what really IS mindless drivel...), and he can also be amazingly cocky, but hey, that's Sam. I think I like better him now. Somewhat. Unless he goes over-arrogant at school.

Fried dough. With cinammon and sugar. Cinnamon looks right-er than cinammon. :)

Derek is also really reeaallly quiet. Lol.

Sam, throwing water bottles down to the first floor is a baaaaaaaad thing to do. You could hurt someone. Tsk tsk.

Derek and Lindsay, no choking self with name tags. That is bad too.

I went stir crazy right before lunch, I so seriously did. It was insane. And the little kid songs...uuuggghhh!!!

Ha ha.

My head hurts.

Random: Caleb has nice blue eyes. And he's not as annoying as he was in grade seven, even though it was a nice-annoying (weird-annoying), not mean-annoying like Ronnie.

Lemonade spills. *nods*

Cookies are sweet. Very sweet.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The United States Of America...Our Older Brother?

Here's another little rant, so prepare yourself. Or don't read.

It has begun, lately, to bug me when people diss the States. I don't get it. Controversy on political matters or different viewpoints are fine as long as they are done respectfully, but I don't like hearing people go, "Oh, it's just the States," or, "Who cares about them?"


Monday, October 02, 2006

Living On Borrowed Time

Not to sound nostalgic or morbid or in any way depressed (because this isn't meant to be), but life is so evanescent. So fleeting. Another shooting in an Amish community...by a milkman looking for revenge? *sigh*

The music video for "Savin' Me" by Nickelback is very cool, I must say, despite the fact that it's rather hard to connect music vid with song lyrics. It just doesn't quite work - nor does it work for several other of their songs and vids. Ah well. The idea of a counter...steadily counting down. No wonder the guy was so confused, baffled. I would have been terrified. It may be good to know when someone was going to die and if you could prevent it, but if you couldn't...

Yeah, I'm jumping all over topics. Anyone out there know what Letter Tag is? Besides my friends? An idea by a very good writer on FictionPress.com by the name of Dillusional. I think it would be really cool if someone I didn't know would play that with me.

Dee Henderson is an amazing author. I love her O'Malley series and another one, newer. Does Connor Black appear anywhere in the O'Malley series? His name seems familiar... I may be wrong. Adam's last name in Danger in the Shadows is Black, so there may be associations...also, I keep thinking about Quinn and Lisa. I haven't read that one in a while. Isn't there a Luke somebody-or-another in the most recent on of the Uncommon Heroes? The most present-time one?

I hate Social Studies. :)