Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Change Is...Not Good?

*sigh* I don't deal well with change, I realize. Actually, I've known this for a while, but I decided to make it known. I wasn't happy when my dad exchanged my old laptop for my current one, because my old one was on the verge of breaking down (due to unintentional misuse on my part and just because of its old age). I didn't like that I had to adjust from an old Windows format to the current one (not so new, but I'd like to call it so), that the touch pad wasn't as "good" as the one on the old comp, and so on and so forth. I've gotten used to my current one now, but I was pretty ticked back then. I still don't like the touch pad, and the fact that some of my files didn't make it over. And reformatted stuff, and different versions of programs and such.

Now my "old" Internet Explorer has just been updated to something...Internet Explorer 7, I believe. I'm none too happy...again, the format is different, the screen is different - I'm...yeah. Ticked. I don't like the look of the stupid buttons and I want them to go away. But they're not a toolbar option. *growls* The quality of the stuff on the browser page bugs me too - it's softer, and fuzzier.

It's rather irrational, I know, and if I can get so worked up over a few different formats - yeah. Don't want to know how I'll act when something bigger comes up. But I like getting used to something, and knowing that something will be the same and I can always use it the same way. This disrupts my routine, and I don't like that.

Same going for moving - new house, new look, new rooms...but we've been at this house for three years now and I'm okay now. I would hate to move again, though. I don't like getting a new car...I don't like new things used to replace old things because then I have to get used to them all over again. dad also exchanged the family computer for a laptop a while back...I'm used to this now, though, too. So that's fine...

But the Internet Explorer update!



Anonymous said...

You should try Firefox! It roxxorz and is quite customizable.

Aurum said...

Wow. I though you were ok when fictionpress changed it's format (I didn't here you complain). But wow, you really don't like change. But change is a good thing.

gabe said...

I like firefox too. See, Two o's. Thats is what it is supposed to look like. I you ever agree with someone else you need to use two o's.

Chrys said...

I feel the same way when something on my computer changes

Kaeli said...

Same here. When anything changes, actually. I hate it. And I have to agree with Gabe, Luke. It doesn't matter if people get the idea of what you're talking about; USE PROPER GRAMMAR/SPELLING!!!