Posted for yesterday...
Stupid cravings. *grumble* I don’t usually get a specific craving for chocolate (nor does it help anything), but I get cravings for food. Sometimes specific foods.
Cravers Anonymous: Hi, my name is Stephanie, and I ate five chocolate chip cookies in ten minutes yesterday.
Little wonder my tummy’s prominence still stays. Bleh.
I spent over forty bucks today at the mall, I think. For sure over thirty. *groan* I won’t be forgetting that little binge for a while.
My room is -deathly- cold. There is this cold draft seeping in through my not-completely-airtight window, thanks to the air conditioner placed there. Ugh. I can feel that stupid draft.
I wonder if all girls dream – no matter how little – about their prince? I was reading this huge long story, a sort of adaptation of Cinderella done by an author off FP, and it’s really good. It, however, leaves me a bit wistful, as I expected. That, and it’s the song I’m listening to, and it’s the snow falling outside, and I touch the hair ornaments I bought today and sigh…
Melodrama, da da da. Bravo. I don’t know. This feels a bit strange. Voicing all these thoughts when it’s not my journal I’m writing this for but rather for my blog where people besides me will read it.
Was it worth it, spending so much today? Twenty-two dollars sans tax for two pieces of jewelry and there was a twenty-six dollar necklace at Claire’s I would have loved, but even I would not use that much money on a necklace.
Maybe it is worth it. If it can make me feel pretty for one night. *grins* Not sure what’s talking right now, but. Whatever.
Ecstasy is, not the drug, Luke, going outside when it’s snowing, and quiet, and it’s so – nice – out there. My fingers are now numb with cold (as opposed to what? Pain?) but it’s so breathtakingly beautiful out there. *wryly* Even more so if I hadn’t known I would have to come back inside. *sigh* Why can’t the world be like this all the time? Then again, if it were, what would be special about it?
Sunday, November 26, 2006
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Shopping is a good therapy, it makes one feel pretty, and must be done once in a while. Like going into stores that you know you would never even be able to by one half of a shoe their, and picking out dresses and outfits to try on just for the fun of it, and to look pretty. And buying Necklaces and jewlery is fun once in a while (no matter the price).
Sometimes spending money on jewlery is good. I want a promise ring.
Oh dear. Shopping is terrible. No matter what. Unless it's for books. That's okay. Chrys and I are going to go make snowmen now.
Another thing: those "anonymous" things really aren't anonymous. You always see people who are introducing themselves. Therefore everyone knows their names, therefore nobody is really anonymous. Strange that it's called that.
Oh yeah. The snowman thing fell to crap. Not very good packing snow. In cas anyone was wondering.
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