Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Celebrate good times, come on!...

Ah geez. That song has been stuck in my head for well over eight hours, now. Ever since band. But I like it - it sounds so insanely cool when we play it. So does "Rumble", then. "Rumble" sounds marvellous if it were not for the fact that the timpanis are so freaking hard to tune. For me.

Luke was - surprised - I suspect, to find that I read so fast. He lent me the first book in the series The Wheel of Time, The Eye of the World, yesterday, and I have finished half of the 800-so-paged book. I shall return it tomorrow... our...hey, whoa, two-hour band practice! Sweet. Unless Mr. Joiner is in a bad mood. Then...

I wrote a bunch for a blog today, during Planning, but I accidentally deleted it all. Sucks. I suspect that Mr. Girard suspects I was doing something other than which I was supposed to be doing, but I am so sick of seeing the Career Cruising site that it's not even funny. Five-page worksheets, fine, ten-page worksheets, okay, but at least twenty?! Kill me now.

I am so on writer's block...or just completely uninspired. I've been reading much more, now, lately, of course, which is a good thing in itself, especially that it's books I'm reading. I haven't read books in a long time, only stories online. From FictionPress and such.

I have an ear infection, the earring-type kind. Not the actual infected inner ear, just the lobe, but it's plenty annoying and it's not clearing up. It's twinging on me...darn ear. :)

Random fact. My dad was born on a Friday the 13th. Now that would explain some things... Ha ha ha.

I am cold. My feet and arms are...okay. I'm cold more or less all over.

I used my glowstick bangle to mark my place in Luke's book while in Science. It wasn't until we were heading to the computer lab for Planning, the block after, that I realized I wasn't wearing it. No big loss. Eh. Must have left it in Science.

We got fishies for the fishbowl from Mr. Opp since we were doing SO much better than the grade nines (who had had previous claim to the fishbowl - we were stuck with the tree), and all the fishies were swimming towards the right. I said as much, and Cody said, "Mine's not," and put his pink pufferfish upside down. I gave him a look and said, "Your fish went belly-up?"


So he stuck its nose in the "pebbly gravel" at the bottom of the big laminated paper fishbowl and said it was a bottom-feeder.

Whatever suits him, I suppose. Lol.

1 comment:

Kaeli said...

Steph, what the heck is with the whole fishbowl thing? Could you explain that for me? As usual, you are the queen of randomness. But that's what we love about you.