Thursday, October 05, 2006

Student Ambassadors

Fancy-schmancy name. But really cool, actually. Our Pro-D Day and there was the ACSI conference being held at our school, so several leadership kids had volunteered to be hosts and hostesses, for Planning service hours and leadership service hours.

Oh man, it was fun. Sam and Derek, and Lindsay and I, were assigned to the middle school, and for the first bit we had nothing to do but wait, and what a wait. Sam is a hilarious guy, and amazingly deep if he wants to be (unless it's like that "Poetry for Intellectuals" thing, reading too much into what really IS mindless drivel...), and he can also be amazingly cocky, but hey, that's Sam. I think I like better him now. Somewhat. Unless he goes over-arrogant at school.

Fried dough. With cinammon and sugar. Cinnamon looks right-er than cinammon. :)

Derek is also really reeaallly quiet. Lol.

Sam, throwing water bottles down to the first floor is a baaaaaaaad thing to do. You could hurt someone. Tsk tsk.

Derek and Lindsay, no choking self with name tags. That is bad too.

I went stir crazy right before lunch, I so seriously did. It was insane. And the little kid songs...uuuggghhh!!!

Ha ha.

My head hurts.

Random: Caleb has nice blue eyes. And he's not as annoying as he was in grade seven, even though it was a nice-annoying (weird-annoying), not mean-annoying like Ronnie.

Lemonade spills. *nods*

Cookies are sweet. Very sweet.

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