Thursday, December 14, 2006


Necklaces, rings, earrings, and hair are all things I fiddle with sometimes when I have nothing better to do in class. The two little braids on the left side of my head serve such purpose. And I am so festive! The wire securing the braids are red and green. Very nice, but subtle enough that they aren’t easily seen. (That, or my hair is just too freaking thick.)

I’m all weird and nervous about the Christmas banquet. :) It’s this Friday! How time flies…

I’ve stared at the word “necklace” long enough to think it looks like it’s spelt wrong again. Look at a word repeated enough times or write it repeatedly and it’ll look like it’s spelt wrong or something. It’s supposed to be spelt right, but it just doesn’t look right…at least, that’s what I get.

monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey

It looks weird, now.

Ugh...leadership has to go help set up for ze Christmas banquet from 5:30 to 12 AM. What fun. So they're condoning staying up to midnight. And past. On the night before the Christmas banquet.

Lindsay wants to know why I typed monkey over and over again. I shall post this now so she can read it.


Ignis said...

You're insane.

Aurum said...

I know what you mean with that look at a word until it's spelt wrong thing. That happened to me once (and for the record I had asked how to spell it to double cheak) in planning with our brossures, I thought I had spelt 'author' wrong.
Funny enough, the word 'monkey' doesn't look like it's spelt incorrect though.
Have fun setting up for the banquet.

Kaeli said...

Monkey totally looks weird now! Thanks a lot, Steph! I find I often fiddle with said items as well. So much so that last year just before I went up to say my speech Lindsay took away my necklace, earrings, ring, and sternly reminded me not to play with my hair. Oops.

Friday, as in tomorrow. You guys are staying up tonight? That sucks. Plus we're gonna be up all night tomorrow having our little party....I hope I don't forget to bring the movie along.

I noticed, Stephie darling, that you didn't acknowlege my aid in spelling those two words. I can't explain how deeply that hurt...

Water bottle will be returned tomorrow, unless Lindsay doesn't give it back to me.

Ignis said...

Of course I'll return it. I'm wonderful. : )

Kaeli said...

Right. Keep saying that and maybe someday someone will believe it.