Friday, December 01, 2006

SS 10, Linear Course

The librarians are none too pleased to find people gaming on the library computers, though I really don’t know why, as I don’t see a problem with gaming or doing game-related things on these computers. Obviously, we wouldn’t want gory graphics and whatnot, but it wasn’t as if anyone needed to use the computer, and I doubt games would do anything like screw up or slow down the system, so…what’s the point? I can see why so many people hate the librarian…they hated Ms. Munroe, too. It’s strange, kind of. I don’t get very many such experiences like getting kicked out…(though, Vasya, I doubt saying “Screw you” in response was such a good idea…) but, yeah.

Heh. I hope Luke’s stuff works.

I should go check it on Wikipedia…Red Alert…but I am supposed to be doing Socials right now (the stupid assignment!) and I am supposed to come up with a stupid metaphor by the end of the class to tell Mr. Dick. Hopefully, my somewhat vast vocab will make up for whatever effort I don’t put into this speech. Blech.

Vasya doesn’t like me because he keeps forgetting to burn a CD for me. Hmph, it’s not my fault. But then again it sort of is, because I emailed him a reminder the first day but not the second day. Therefore, I am sending him this post. Partially as the reminder and partially because I mentioned him several times in here.

Stupid. Whatever. I can just come up with something lame and properly think it over again later and tell Mr. Dick I changed my mind.

Planning wasn’t a very fun class.

Phys. Ed was half decent.

Socials – blurg.

Science…? I have a meiosis quiz coming up and I didn’t study enough and I need to get my grade back up.

I feel like I’m obsessing over my grade the way an anorexic person might think about food – oh I ate too much so I must must must not eat anything for the next week! A sort of over-obsession, as I got a 85.7 or some mark on my science test and I’m going, “Oh, I barely broke 86%, crap I need to raise my mark!”

Socials isn’t going so well either, though I think I’m safe to fall a little since the last time I checked I was still in the 90s. But it’d better stay that way.

I think I will stop now…I really ought to work on my speech thing. I hope I can not procrastinate on this project as I so often do; it would be torture to write this all on Wednesday the night before it was due. Not to mention we have to say it, too.

I’m pissed off again. I cannot go to the band gig December 9 because of piano, and my little cousin’s birthday thing. I mean, it’s nothing against her but I hate how I have to miss band. I know it shouldn’t be – friends shouldn’t be – more important than family, but…and piano, AGAIN! I hate it.

To follow up on what I blurted out on the keyboard yester-night, my mother also said that in lieu of all my not using the computer properly and going to bed so late, there was no way I’d be taking Animation as well as Band next year.

Well, honestly? Screw that.

I’ll take IT regardless, next year, I think, as well as band even though all the seniors will be gone, but the current grade elevens will still be there. And then the grade nines will be in concert band. :)

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