Friday, September 15, 2006

I'm Not A Schizo...Really

My WONDERFUL friends want me to update this blog...which makes sense; I don't argue with them about that, but I have nothing to blog...

Okay, not true. I'm just lazy and there's nothing momentous...which I should probably blog anyways.

A day or so ago, I drank a mouthful of soy milk and Ryan made me laugh...and I choked so was so funny it wasn't even funny.

Shut up. I am not: insane, bipolar, masochistic, or schizophrenic. I'm also not a liar.

Shut up. *whines*

My friend hates Barbie.

My friend's going to kill me if I say something that she doesn't want me to say that I want to say but I won't because I want to live or at least live with all limbs intact and not having been eaten...

I am laughing so hard it's a wonder I can type...

This is weird...

"We are so weird," quote unquote Lindsay.

Wonder why.

"Lindsay is incredibly intelligent, and fully realises the insanity of our little group. That's why we're weird," quote unquote Lindsay.

She is snickering.

She says it makes her sound like a completely arrogant person. And even though "I'm slightly arrogant, I'm not completely arrogant," quote unquote Lindsay.

I wil post now before she sees this and erases it.

"Harman says he rocks because he's brown," quote unquote. Said here in the school library with all its glorious computers. Ha ha ha. I should send this to him. Maybe he'll be famous now. Lol.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you wrote that about me!! Your most loyalest friend, and you insult me in such a manner. I am hurt beyond belief. And the fact that you quoted me when I was making innocent comments is horrid! Horrid!

Oops, I commented on the wrong blog! Oh well, I'm still mad you wrote that about me!!!