Friday, June 08, 2007

MEI Grad 2007

So, I went to the grad ceremony for all three hours of it and was semi-bored with the long listing of names and all. I clapped for the most part, though, and definitely clapped for people I knew. Were – I would dare to say – friends with, and also people I knew of but have rarely ever talked to. Those of the former type: Josh, Dave, Dave…or David…to distinguish him from Parrott for which I believe Mr. Klassen pronounced incorrectly. Much. Luke, Sara, Maria, Stephanie, Emily, Carol, Robert. Band people. Or ex-band people. Oops, Derek also. Then for ze latter: Chris, Breanna (yay, I finally know it’s Breanna and not Breanne)…Richard, Steve…I dunno. People I know via Josh/Dave/Dave/Luke. (That totally looks like a typo or something. Dave/Dave.)

Might’ve been kinda stupid but I’m only a girl (and I seem to have gotten girlier this past year – plenty of things have been changing), and so I got teary-eyed when they tossed up their mortarboards. It was totally unexpected, too. I mean, the teary-eyed thing. Before (earlier during the ceremony), I’d been thinking about how I wouldn’t see them again next year (mistiness still happening, btw), so that was understandable and brought on by moi, but when they tossed up their mortarboards I hadn’t really been thinking anything except maybe I was proud. Why was I proud? I only knew, like, about ten percent of the 179 grad students. Eh, whatever. Meh. But I’ll miss the people I do know.

Hm, would rather JF hadn't brought up any matter of why I hadn't been invited to the grad banquet by a certain someone, and JL really didn't need to go insinuate that the only reason I wanted to go the grad ceremony was because of Luke. Sorry, Luke, but my world doesn't actually revolve around you, though my friends may now feel differently. *laugh* Whatever.

Ooh, I just finally found Dave's blog. I spelt his last name wrong! *sobs* Yah, I pride myself on spelling things right and remembering names. Drove me insane last night when I couldn't remember Nick's last name. Stupid. Heh.

I think I'll stop blogging now, because I'm busy reading other blogs. Adios.


tripleskinny said...

Hehe, thanks for coming to grad, that really was a long ceremony eh? We gave Mr. Neufeld Lego, it was pretty funny. You can totally read my blog, feel free!

P.S. How did you find it, super sleuth? ;)

See you on the way to Playland!

tripleskinny said...

Aw, I hope more people read your blog! I don't like being only one comment. Anyway, I put that picture of you at Earls up on my blog. Hehehe.

Thanks for having fun at Playland!

Anonymous said...

I should hope it doesn't revolve around me. Plus, I thought I recommended you not come. Cool that you got all misty though. All I was thinking when I threw up my hat was where I was going to get another.