Sunday, June 10, 2007


Today was fun. I need to get a camera; pictures make for good memory-keeping.

We played for less than an hour, I think, and did a sort of crappy job, for the Rick Hansen thing. I think I was the first person to suggest "Get Ready For This", but I kinda forgot that the trumpets did a not-so-good job on it. It was really bad! The beginning of the song, and then I just heard the trumps get progressively slower...blah. Yeah, that was bad. But I think Mr. Joiner wasn't too mad...mostly. Hopefully.

After our break at 1 o'clock, coming back into the PNE area, I walked under some of the canopy things they had a bit before the washrooms and all that, and Luke and Micah and Sam and I were walking "together", as in moving towards the same direction at the same time. :) Anyways, I was most unfortunate as to walk underneath the edge of the canopy just as it decided to dump its load of collected rainwater on whatever poor soul might have been underneath. C'est moi! Everyone laughed. (Wait. Was it Micah? No! It was Robert. Oops.) It was pretty funny, only my shirt got wet and it looked a little awkward so I put my sweater on until my shirt dried.

Going on rides with the nutbar is kind of funny, because I feel sorry for all the guys, but then I laugh because I don't have the same problem. For Hell's Gate, though, the heart pendant watch thing I wear is on a chain that can slip over my head, and I have to hold onto the chain when I go upside-down, or I think it would fall off.

I actually went on roller coasters. I'm so proud of myself. I went on several roller coasters this year while on a band trip and I'm proud of myself. The big wooden roller coaster wasn't that scary either, only I kept bouncing up and it was hard to stay seated. I wasn't trying to stand up on purpose! So stupid. My picture wasn't too bad, either.

I usually can't enjoy rides like the Hellevator until the third or so round when I get used to the free-fall feeling, but I was okay the first time today. Which was good. And I went on Break Dance, which was cool because I've never been on that before but it spins pretty good, and it's really fun. I was not going to let Josh get his hands on a water bottle on that ride!

Rides like the Scrambler and the Music Express are pretty cool. In fact, any ride that bases its thrill on centrifugal forces are pretty neat. But with the mentioned two, if the person on the inside doesn't hold on tight, the person on the outside gets crushed! Especially the Music Express. It looks a little bit like a wimpy kiddie ride, but it spins really fast!

Stupid pirate ship. Those mermaids should be wearing something.

I wish we could have stayed longer, but a lot of people wanted to go's ten pm right now and I had originally expected to be coming home at about eight or something, but it ended up being four, and I was really disappointed. Band is coming to an end...I don't want this year to end. *sigh* Very sad. Grads better come back and visit. I'll drop in on the band room once in a while or something. :)

Yep. Playland was fun. I was weird and all hyper and stuff, and I'd feel dizzy after I got off the rides and I think I just laughed and giggled all over the place and all over Luke for a bit. Weird but kinda fun. Well, pretty fun, but probably weird for anyone who saw me. It was good...

Now seven am EA practices for an entire week. Who needs to re-establish a bedtime before 12-1 am in the morning? Who? =^_^=

I think I am going to change the layout of my blog, or my blog skin, or I might start a new one or something. We'll see about that. I need lessons from some computer geek on HTML and stuff.


tripleskinny said...

Hahaha, that was a good day at Playland. See if you can get a cell-phone to take photos, or just get Luke to do it for you. ;)

Customize your blog!

tripleskinny said...

You need to add more posts.


tripleskinny said...

Oh and PS, I really want to go to the film night, I even wrote it on the calendar and stuff, but it's the same night AND time as the year end party with MPCC Youth. Drat eh?

I'm not quite sure what to do, I think I might go to school, but if I get pressured from people at youth, meaning, if I get contacted then I might go there.

Augh, I don't know. Anyway, you write well!

tripleskinny said...