Friday, July 14, 2006

On To Macau

It's been a busy week, and it seems so much longer than seven days. I (ugh) have over ten freaking huge mosquito bites all over me and they itch. For some reason, some kinds of mosquitoes make me swell...yeeeccchh.

Vague brushes on what I did - we went to Ocean Park with relatives on my mom's side (OP being like PNE, to a degree), went to museums (history of HK, and one not unlike Science World), and various other things. Busy. And now we're heading off to Macau via ferry tomorrow for a week, staying with friends there. Then it's back to HK for another week!

Thank goodness for air conditioning. Lol.

God bless!

It's 10:08 pm, if anyone's wondering. Not seven in the morning.

1 comment:

Kaeli said...

Hey, Steph. It looks like you've been busy. I hope you're having a good time through it all. I also hope you're remembering to take lots of pictures. I love and miss you. Have fun!